Take a moment and ask yourself, "what makes my soul sing?"
How long did it take you to answer that question?
Was there an internal struggle?
Did you laugh at yourself if you actually found this hard to answer?
Were you sad if you found yourself staring at a blank page too long?
Are you ok? Take a breath.
You've realised you have forgotten yourself, you've forgotten what makes your soul sing.
You're not alone. Everyone has faced this question at some point and more than once. What makes us forget our soul's song?
Can you reflect and look back at when this actually happened? Was it a specific time, or situation? If not that's ok, but you have come to an awareness that you've forgotten what makes your soul sing, and that's the best place to be at right now.
What now you ask? Well, it's up to you, do you want to find out what makes your soul sing or a you content with how your life is at the moment and where it is heading?
If you want to move forward, you will need to turn inward. Who knows you best? YOU, but only if you are honest with yourself. Why hide? Will that serve you or be a detriment? You have nothing to lose and everything to gain if you are brutally honest with yourself, the good, the bad and yes the ugly.
So are you ready to realign your compass? Let's begin the journey with core values, schedule in some "ME" time then click the link and work through what your core values are or might be, that will open the window to your soul.