about me
" I had lost my mojo,
I had lost my spirit & truth"
I had reached a crossroads in my life. Negativity was oozing out of my skin. How had I reached this point?
That's right, clinging onto a past that wasn't serving me, wanting to change it but knowing I could, unforgiveness at myself for a mistake I had made 16 years prior, a career that had never been my passion that I just fell into.
"Life is happening for us not to us"- The famous words of Tony Robbins.
Well the change in mind shift and finding yourself doesn’t happen overnight however when you decide it's time, then be prepared.
It will entail a beautiful dance of 2 steps forward and 10 steps back
but at least it’s a dance and there is forward movement.
Life started when it brought new friends into my life that led me to the rekindled adventures of self-development.
Yes, I have done the firewalk, twice actually. My understanding and awareness were in a different state, I was open to accepting and acknowledging childhood traumas and the impact they had on my adult life.
The magic of the new understanding allowed me to join the dots.
The caterpillar was in its cocoon, slowly transforming into the beautiful butterfly it was meant to be.
I have shifted, changed, and discovered myself and my true potential. However, don't be naive, the cocoon stage will happen more than once and that's the beauty of transformation and eventually emerging into the person you were created to be.
So… I turned the page and began a new chapter in my life.
I experienced the potential to change and wanted others to share the same and that drew me to become a certified life coach.
One of my God-given talents is talking and I realized that people were drawn to me,
freely sharing the troubles that they were experiencing, even when I may be standing and waiting for my takeaway coffee.
I never turn away from a person, I never close the door to their moment of vulnerability.
Because that person needed to be heard, they needed something to help them along
that they obviously felt they couldn't get from a family member or friend.
With my own shifts and understanding of the challenges I faced and knowing that compassion, patience, love, and understanding
are needed to help me move forward,
I wanted to reach out and be able to help others move through their life dance,
to help them take that leap of faith and make their soul sing again.
"Together, we will create a new mindset that allows you to
live in spirit & truth"
what makes my heart sing
The joy I have from the simple things in life.
Life doesn't have to be about everything, just something.
The magic of music opens up my senses. It brings a smile to my face and changes my mood.
When I am driving, a rock concert is always happening.
The innocence of animals makes me want to protect them and in return, they give you their unconditional love.
Travelling. What can I say? When the opportunity arises, I pack my bags, and my travels are overseas.
People ask me why don't I buy a book on ebook. The look I give them is "what are you talking about?".
I love the feel of a book, turning the page and then closing once finishing it.
Writing as well, the pen and paper, the beauty of old school, enhances the joy of creating and imagination.